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Contribute to our life and work...

 Offerings can be made to support the work of Craiglockhart Church, either generally or for a particular purpose. Members make regular offerings to the General Fund to meet the routine costs of the continuing Christian work in the Parish, including the repair and maintenance of the church and associated buildings. The Congregation also supports the wider work of the Church of Scotland through its Ministries & Mission contributions. Special offerings and donations can be made for specific purposes. For example, many members welcome the opportunity to give to the Flower Fund which provides flowers to adorn the sanctuary and make thoughtful gifts to those held in prayer.


Offerings and donations can be made in a variety of ways, but most prefer to do so by regular Standing Order or other direct bank payment. Donations, by whatever method, that are able to be made under the Gift Aid scheme will boost the benefit to the church by 25p for every £1 given from the associated income tax repayment.


You can download a Standing Order Instruction  to complete for your bank and a Gift Aid Declaration to complete and return to our Gift Aid Co-ordinator.


The Donate button below will take you to our online donation page where, quickly and easily, you can make a donation to your choice of Fund, and Gift Aid it at the same time.


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